XT Utilities is a miscellaneous set of useful Editor utilities and components for both the Personal and Professional editions of Unity.
What's included?
- Inspector Notes: add text notes to your GameObjects.
- Component Selector: detects whether a drag & dropped GameObject allows for more than one selectable Component and shows a handy Component selection window.
- Package Exporter: creates an asset that will create a package automatically on double click.
- Line Counter: Counts code lines in all scripts contained in the current selection or in the whole project if nothing is selected.
- Align Main Camera: selects and aligns the main camera to view in one step.
- Group GameObjects: groups all selected GameObjects under a new one.
- Duplicate Assets: duplicates the selected assets in a smart way (i.e. duplicates scripts without compiler errors).
- Build Timer: logs to Console the time that the last build took to complete.
- Capture Window: capture any Editor window as PNG file.
- Copy Asset Path: copies full path of the selected asset to the clipboard.
For detailed usage instructions, please find the Readme file included in the package.
XT Utilities is free. If you find it useful, please consider supporting me (the one man behind Xeleh Tools) by purchasing any of my other products on the Unity Asset Store.
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