Standart question: the text or image question.
Category question: to combine the phrases or images by categories.
Comparsion question: compare a description with an image or a name.
In plans to add new types! Working on the next update.
Please, see the demonstrations:
Web Demo
Web GL Demo
Download apk demo
Video Tutorial
- 3 types of question: Standart/Category/Comparsion.
- Many settings for each of the questions type.
- Flexible settings of the quiz mode.
- Full source code.
- The quiz demo example in the package.
- The Documentation and video tutorial.
- Mobile/WebPlayer/PC/WebGL support.
Version 1.0.5:
- Added the sound treck as background music(with button on/off).
- Added the button click sound.
- The prefab objects as background view.
- The single right answer mode for standart question.
- Autoresizing texts depending on the screen resultion.
- New web demo and apk.