***This Package Requires Scion***
Zone - Scion Edition allows you to create regions of your level, which will influence the settings of Scion at runtime. Create stunning and dynamic visual effects on top of one of Unity's most powerful post processing tools available.
With Zone - Scion Edition, you simply create cube based zones in the Unity editor and specify what you want Scion to do in that zone. Now, when your camera enters that zone, it will smoothly transition the settings in Scion to the new values.
Like your existing Scion settings?
Click a single button and turn them into a new zone!
Zone - Scion Edition comes with:
Core control scripts
Complete control over every aspect of Scion
Blending Lens Dirt Textures
25 Pre configured Zones, ready to drop into your scene.
3 Sample Color Correction LUTs from Lutify
3 Sample Lens Dirt Textures
3 Sample Lens Color Textures
3 Sample Lens Diffraction Textures
Demo Scene
This package Requires Scion, so if you don't already own Scion, you can get it Here
Unity Forum Post