OpenCVSharp for Unity is fast and easy to use asset that bring OpenCV 3.4.1 functionality to Unity.
• Supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android and iOS.
• Works both in editor and as a standalone.
• Includes optimized functions conversion between common Unity and OpenCV structures (WebCamTexture to Mat, Mat to Texture2D, Texture2D to Mat, etc.). Conversions are done through memory read and write, never iteratively, which allows for smooth performance on all devices.
• Uses native C++ OpenCV 3.4.1 plugins with C# wrapper and syntax.
• IDisposable is implemented along with exception redirection to standard Unity errors.
Included modules: core, calib3d, imgproc, shape, superres, stitching, video, aurco, bgsegm, dnn, face, img_hash, optflow, tracking, xfeatures2d, imgproc, xphoto and text.Try it out:
• Windows (64-bit)
• Windows (32-bit)
• MacOS
• Android
• iOS
More info:
• Forums
• Website
• Youtube Channel
Note: Since version 1.2 support for MacOS and Linux 32-bit has been dropped.
If you have any questions, problems or suggestions you can contact us at nwhcoding@gmail.com.