MNF uses UNet for only one example, and UNet is MNF's 3third pary. The core function of MNF has nothing to do with Unity UNet.
- TCP Server / Client (Various protocols)
- Local Network P2P (UNet)
- Find out other device in Wi-Fi
- Multicast Custom Message in Wi-Fi
- Mysql Connect
- Full Source Code
Tested Platforms:
- Android with IL2CPP
- Windows with IL2CPP
Download MNF Example (APK / Windows)
- Basic TCP Guide
- MySql Connector (Regist / Login)
- SimpleMySql
- SqLite3 (OpenSource)
- Echo Server/Client
- Chatting Server/Client
- File Trans Server/Client
- Local Network P2P (UNet)
- Search for other devices on Wi-Fi
- Send Message other devices on Wi-Fi
- Screen Share Example Server/Client
- Video Play Sync Server/Client
- Multi Chatting Server/Client
- Main Forum Thread
Thanks Good Feedback, Advice
Louis, Christian, Vito, Aidan, Michael, Jakub, William, gondo, luis, Tom, Ramin, Valentin, darydol, faizol, rayfoundry, Relinq, arcadeindy, William, Moritz, Paden, simonas, David, John, Moritz, Skatola, heroes1, LostPanda, johaswe, Aracon, sagarkar, yuhacrows, planetmatrix, antstevensunity, rodrigozol, unity_pm