Works with 5.3.4 Editor only.
This is a basic VR FPS kit for Google cardboard. Android compatible. You will be able to:
- Use the trigger function to shoot in the game.
- Interact with objects such as boxes.
- Jumping is available when approaching to the walls.
- Basic AI for enemies that spawn using a script manager.
- A GUI health bar and score board is also working in VR mode.
- Enemy appear in HUD.
- Movement also Works with the D-pad (in the video example with the ípega) And the magnetic trigger.
- Crosshair and Loading pointer are implemented using sprites that could be easily changed by the user.
- Basic sound effects such as shooting are enabled.
- Futuristic environment.
- Bullet interaction.
- Other assets in the "free asset folder" are also included.
Cardboard assets ARE NEEDED AND CAN BE downloaded from:
The supported version of cardboard is:
The package contains a level example exactly as you can see in the video in which enemies will shoot the player, who will have to survive at all cost.
Video link to:
video link