Koreographer™ simplifies the process of synchronizing gameplay to music in your video game. Its simple editing interface allows you to map rhythms, beats, notes, volume, and other dynamics of the music to events in the game. Koreographer can be used to create rhythm games, make any game more cinematic, enhance game environments with music, and create new controls and music-driven gameplay.✓ Rapidly create a game with rhythm-based gameplay✓ Author lip syncing for your audio with ease✓ Create subtitles to audio files with precision timing✓ Synchronized multi-layer audio playback support out of the box!✓ Supports all major runtime environments, including mobile, console, and VR platforms✓ Completely functional Karaoke and Rhythm Game demos included!✓ Integration with the PlayMaker™ visual scripting system!The Koreographer™ editor extension contains the editor tool, documentation, demo content, lightweight runtime, and sample song with sample Koreography.Looking for music? Check out the Build It Up music pack! It even comes with pre-made Koreography!Need compatibility with legacy versions of Unity? Koreographer™ supports Unity 4.5.0+. Please contact us for access.The Professional Edition was a Unity Awards 2016 Asset Store Award Runner-up!Examples:・Music-driven lighting in Disco Dodgeball・Music-driven gameplay in r.e.B.E.R.t.h.Documentation | Showcase | Forum | Unity Forum Post | Discord Server