Animated PBR ready Fantasy Staffs.
Fantasy Staffs with animation and PBR correct textures, ready for use with Unity's standard shaders. The staffs are designed to be used in 1st and 3rd person view with textures tailored for both types of gameplay.
Textures included are Albedo, MetallicSmoothness/SpecularSmoothness, Normal, AO and emission, with textures up to 2k. Prefabs with the different texture sets are set up and ready to use.
Link to Unity forum thread
Package Summary:
Total base models: 4Total variations: 12Triangles: 1700 - 3500.Texture format: TIF.Texture set size: 512 px, 1024 px, 2048 px.Animations: 2 of 4 models.
Model Details:
Metalstaff01:Variations: 1.Animations: Yes.
Shamanstaff01:Variations: 9.Animations: No.
Shamanstaff02:Variations: 1.Animations: No.
Shamanstaff03:Variations: 1.Animations: Yes.