A simple sprite pack for a top down action RPG with projectile-based, magical combat. Created during the global game jam 2016. Ideal if you want to experiment with a 32bit era-inspired tile-set and simple sprite animations. The pack prioritizes visual consistency over fidelity, it uses a lot of strong contrast and is limited to four colors (+black and white). A GBR color scheme version of all glowless assets is also included.
- 73 tiles for creating a basic environment, including grass, cliffs, props and water
- Four animated character sprites, with walk cycles, attack frames and corpse sprites
- Various projectile, impact and explosion graphics for elemental magic, with alternate version for hostile shots
- Some effect sprites, fire and craters, animated diamond pickups, some basic UI elements
- Additional glow assets for static shadows and auras
- GBR color scheme recolor of all assets