Now with integrated destructible voxel terrain!
Web GL Demos (might take some time to load):
Base demo
WW2 Characters integration (see manual)
Manual: Link
Inspired by games like Soldat, Shoot Many Robots and Cortex Command, here's a project starter kit for you to implement your own idea of what a sidescrolling shooter should really be!
Complete with physics based controllers, AI that can pathfind among platforms, ragdolls and cool weapons this is all you need to get a running start.
If you have issues or questions there's a thread for that on the forums here
If you have suggestions please share them here
Notes about voxel terrain update:
The voxel solution is based on the open sourced Cubiquity (MIT license). All Cubiquity current technical limitations apply if you are using voxels in this package. To find out more about Cubiquity check here
Please note that the voxel integration is to be considered a beta at this point and documentation may be lacking. You are always welcome to ask questions through our support e-mail or in the threads at the unity forums!