Animated character with 10k polygons, 43 animations and 4 LOD stagesAnimated character with 10k polygons, 43 animations and 4 LOD stages.Additional normal, spec, gloss, AO and diffuse maps are included. 3 materials with 4K textures for good resolution.Latest Update: added 25 new animations and improved old ones. Materials update and editor update.Animation list: attack01, attack02, attack03, attack04, attack05, attack06, attack07, attack08, attack09, attack10, attack11, attack12, death, dodge_left, dodge_right, hit, hit_Left, hit_Right, idle, idle_02, idle3, IdleAttack, IdleAttack_02.uasset jump, jump_Air, jump_land, jump_start, Laughing, revive, Roar, Roar_02, run, run_Bckwrd, run_left, run_Right, sitIdle, TalkLoud, taunt, Tpose, walk, walk_Backwrd, walk_left, walk_right,If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via email or Discord:Contact email: info@dexsoft-games.comJoin DISCORD SERVER