Cartoon Bird - Cartoon Animals - Funny Animations 52cwalk $5.50 (no ratings) 3D キャラクター Jump AssetStore このアセットの説明 2 Models 1,Bird - Bird_Act.fbx 2,scene - Bird_Scene.fbx 2 Texture: Bird_01.png birdsence.png 4 Animations: range(0 - 52) -- Bird_Idle range(53 - 148) -- Bird_Eatworm range(149 - 197) -- Bird_Dance range(198 - 233) -- Bird_Bowed 3 musics fit the animations: (1) - bird_bg.mp3 (2) - bird_Bowed.mp3 (3) - bird_Eatworm.mp3 (4) - bird_Dance.mp3 watch the video forum