This AI system will give your 2D characters fluid movement without writing a single line of code.
Web Demo
This system is specifically designed for spaceships but can just as easily simulate other 2D characters. With this you can command characters to:
Move and curl to position
Swoop to position
Waypoint move
Orbit target
Stop at target
Stop before target
Swarming attack state
Wander Screen
Wander Area
Squads and Formations (Beta)
V Shape
Curved V Shape
Line Shape
Ring of Protection
Also included are:
Attack states to control when during each movement type to fire
Example weapon system
Custom editor
Support for X,Y and X,Z co-ordinate systems
A spaceship from our Spaceship Pack
A background from our Background Pack
Acceleration and braking system
Delegate hooks to easily call your custom methods
Mobile friendly (No physics)
Any issues, head to the Forums