The materials of this asset must be upgraded with Unitys automatic material upgrade tool if this asset is used in the Universal Render Pipeline or HDRender Pipeline.for URP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Universal Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materialsfor HDRP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition MaterialsThis pack contains asteroids for a space scene.-12 lowpoly asteroids-2 texture sets-All asteroids share 1 texture atlas (4096x4096)-Asteroid1: 156 verts / 196 tris-Asteroid2: 160 verts / 194 tris-Asteroid3: 162 verts / 188 tris-Asteroid4: 162 verts / 188 tris-Asteroid5: 193 verts / 246 tris-Asteroid6: 196 verts / 244 tris-Asteroid7: 193 verts / 242 tris-Asteroid8: 154 verts / 194 tris-Asteroid9: 222 verts /296 tris-Asteroid10: 222 verts / 294 tris-Asteroid11: 245 verts / 296 tris-Asteroid12: 342 verts / 492 trisURP / HDRPThe materials of this asset must be upgraded with Unitys automatic material upgrade tool if this asset is used in the Universal Render Pipeline or HDRender Pipeline.for URP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Universal Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materialsfor HDRP: go to Edit / Render Pipeline / Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition Materials