Website | Documentation
Unity API works with hard-coded values (strings, integers, etc.) which can be an evil if they are referenced in many different locations in your project because when you change or remove a hard-coded value through Unity Editor, you are not notified about its references. Also, there may be misspellings which are not also informed to you. Hard-Coded Generator is a solution for these problems.
It generates types (classes) and some utilities (members) by working on the hard-coded values existing in the following Unity features:
• Animations
• Animator Controllers
• Axes
• Layers
• Resources
• Scenes
• Sorting Layers
• Tags
Key Features
• Auto-generated assembly (.dll).
• Customizable assembly.
• Editable hard-coded values via inspector.
• Runs in background.
Demo and documentation (English and Turkish) are included in the package.
Go to Website and see more on Details page.