I just wanna use Json.NET in Unity!
Json.NET is a powerful, open source, and free serializing solution.
But it's too smart to serialize something like Vectoe3 or Color, etc.
It even tries to serialize the "normalized" property and throw a loop exception.
And it always treats a dictionary key as a string, even if it's an array.
That's why we need custom converters!
This has some common type converters, and sets them as default to make it up.
If you're using Json.NET, just import and forget this, then coding like before.
An official DLL is included in case you don't have it, just remove it if you had.
Remember to set the "Api Compatibility Lavel" to .NET 2.0 before importing.
Thank James Newton-King!
This's released as feedback for free.
See also:
- Support and operation manual
- Technical documentation
- Unity forum thread