Now free. :)
Support for paid customers was maintained for two years, and is now discontinued. Unfortunately, the volume of users prevents me from being able to offer support for the free version.
I hope everyone continues to enjoy this free asset as long as it remains useful.
Drag Queen 2D is your swiss army knife for 2D drag-and-drop and drag-to-rotate. Just drop the component on any GameObject and away you go!
DQ2D is deeply configurable with 95 different options. Yet its slick inspector only shows you the options you need. No code required!
With Drag Queen 2D you can:
• Set position with sensitivity, threshold, offset, and clamping
• Filter targets by layer, tag, or name
• Cast for targets with shape, distance, and offset
• Require drop target with animated return
• Send messages on hover enter, stay, exit, and drop
• Set rotation with clamping
• And much more!
Drag Queen 2D is highly optimized for best performance and minimal garbage collection. Perfect for mobile!
Included are three example scenes, tooltip descriptions for all options, and documentation.
(Note that Drag Queen 2D is not designed for 3D games.)