A simple yet powerful terrain generator allowing you to generate virtually infinite terrains ( until your computer runs out of ram ).
No prefabs , no stamps : Everything is generated on the fly using simplex noise map algorithms that can be found online.
This is an extension im still working on which you can get at a 75% discount right now since you are buying something experimental and in no way final. Here's what you get by buying this asset as it currently is :
- Fully working seeded terrain generator
- Dynamic chunk loading around player
- Virtually infinite terrain generation ( until the editor runs out of usable ram )
Features that are currently being worked on are seamless dynamic chunk loading and terrain LOD / neighbor matching ( which can cause visible seams where default textures dont match )
NOTE : this asset currently only generates the terrain heightmaps. Texture and detail work is up to you , making this especially desirable for people with scripting experience who want a clean vanilla unity terrain to work with.
Make sure you view the readme before usage