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This package allows the user to create your own VR gallery using stereo Panoramic images . You will be able to render any kind of panorama stereo images as long as its configuration is TOP/BOTTOM and loop images in a gallery. You will be able to make transitions between images using shader (fast computation) and the name of each image will show on your gallery. A NOISE will also play for each of the images if chosen. On the first execution, the package creates the folder structure and copies the example images to the SD card (on Android mode).
This package includes:
- Two shaders to simulate the transitions.
- Stereo Scripts that automatically update the number of pictures on your folders.
- Simple and Commented code Android ready.
- Functional demo version for PC.
- Video-tutorial (youtube) and documentation of the package.
-One prefab that corresponds to a “fading” gallery and another with “mask” transitions.
This package works with the “google cardboard SDK 0.6” for UNITY that must be downloaded first using the following link:
Cardboard developement Center downloads:
This package is Android Ready as you can see in the description video.