"Unreal Runner" is a full arcade game template ready for release.
After importing this package to an empty project, you will have a fully-functional game. The game is already integrated Google AdMob and Google Play Games Services. All classes and public methods has summary. All serialized fields has tooltip which will help you understand their meaning. Optimized for mobile platforms.
What you can do in game:
- Run
- Try to avoid the trap
- Destroy obstacles
- Treat yourself to avoid death
- Collect points
How to play on Android:
- Swipe your finger up to jump
- Swipe your finger down to roll
- Tap many times in special places to destroy obstacles or crouch
How to play on Unity Editor or PC:
- Press right mouse button, swipe up and release button to jump
- Press right mouse button, swipe down and release button to roll
- Press right mouse button many times in special places to destroy obstacles or crouch
Game on google play