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Shapes2D lets you quickly make shader-based procedural sprites and UI in the Unity editor. Go to GameObject->Shapes2D to get creative with:
* Arcs
* Curves (Béziers)
* Donuts (ellipses with cutout inner holes)
* Ellipses
* Lines
* Paths and filled paths (up to 32 curved or linear segments)
* Pies (and pie slices)
* Polygons (convex or concave, up to 64 editable vertices)
* Rectangles
* Rounded Rectangles (each corner individually customizable)
* Triangles
Nearly everything is customizable in the inspector and via scripting with fills, gradients, outlines and more!
Click the Convert to Sprite button to instantly convert any shape into a PNG sprite. Child shapes are converted too - get creative and layer shapes to make an image, then collapse to a PNG sprite without ever leaving Unity!
Shapes2D shapes are procedural (rendered with shaders) and can also be used for simple effects and animations through the scripting API. Please see the online documentation for performance notes first!