This is a one-in-all package for VR developers that want to have a strong starting point for developing their own VR survival games. This package includes three assets that integrated in the main game scene. The player is in a scene full of zombies and movement is achieved by natural waling, while shooting is achieved using auto-focus on the enemies.
compatible with editor 2018.5 and googleVR 2019
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This package contains the following:
-The cardboard VR walking module (download).
-The cardboard touchless trigger module (download).
-The VR Zombie Survival (which is the main asset in this package).
-Complete documentation to understand the principles of each package and full email support at:
This package will do the following:
-Natural walking to move the player.
-Autofocus for shooting.
-Manage enemy movement (navigation) and creation.
-Manage Life and score.
-Render VR canvases for each camera.
This package does not include:
-Sounds effects (but scripts and game objects are prepared for them).
Note about some zombie models and environment. Zombies are free commercial assets. The environment that was used was this package:
environment apocaliptic
It should work with any other environment but remember to bake the navMesh.
This package works with the “google cardboard SDK=2018” for UNITY that must be downloaded first using the following link:
SDK 2018 cardboard
This package is Android Ready as you can see in the REAL-TIME capture from Android video .