FOOTBALL European Championship Kit is an low poly asset for creating tournament games or others.
Scene includes 24 teams witch stadium, scores, and team names, ball...
Notice : backup your project before updating
Pack included:
• PLAYER rigged model 1102 tris
• KEEPER rigged model 1126 tris
• Stadium model 1102 tris
• Ball model 180 tris
• PLAYER model 1102 tris
• KEEPER model 1126 tris
• PLAYER texture 1024 x 1024 pix
• KEEPER texture 1024 x 1024 pix
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, REpublic of Ireland, Italy, Northern Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, Wales
+ 1 x Referee
• 5 BALL textures
• 24 country namer for UI
• 13 T-Shirt numbers in 4 colours:
white, red, black, blue
• score numbers