Need quick and easy textures for your game prototype? Or texture packs for a voxel style game or to bring your 3D models to life?
The lite version of the Cartoon Texture Pack (Mega Pack coming soon) includes 100 hand drawn tilable, power of 2 textures, created in Illustrator (originals included as CC and CS5) so infinitely scaleable. Also includes several frames for animated textures for gate and door opening simplicity.
All textures saved out in small, medium and large for maximum comparability (So 300 sprites in total).
Many of the textures in this pack have multiple uses. Experiment, check the sample scenes for ideas, share ideas and tips by commenting or contact us directly.
*Included scenes are samples for inspiration purposes only. This asset is intended as artwork for coders and developers.
As with all our assets, do not hesitate to contact us for support or requests. All reasonable requests for additional content and future assets will be considered.
support at rickious dot com