This package contains a metal drum barrel model with realistic PBR, procedural materials with you can customize with color and damage sliders.Supplied are two types of barrel models, one with a lid and one with a removable lid complete with collision meshes.The textures are procedurally generated. This gives you the ability to create endless barrel variants to suit your projects needs.The procedural textures can be generated at the resolution of up to 2048x2048.This Package Contains:⭐Models⭐1x - Barrel with Separate Lid (768 polys)1x - Barrel with lid combined (640 polys)-LODS (can also be used if you want a lower poly version of the assets).-Collision meshes included for all assets.⭐Example Textures⭐I’ve included a set of textures as an example for a yellow, blue, green and red barrel, but with the custom sliders you are able to create unlimited colour varients to suit your own projects needs.4x Albedo Map (yellow, blue, green and red varients)1x Normal Map1x Roughness Map1x Metalness MapPlease note, for Unity 2018 and higher users, the Procedural Texture Generator requires the Free Substance plugin from the asset store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/substance-3d-for-unity-213208If you do not wish to use the Substance Plugin for Unity there is also a great alternative, a free standalone program called Substance Player https://substance3d.adobe.com/documentation/sp31/substance-player-2294742.htmlSimply load the model and the .sbsar file that I have provided and generate your own materials using the customisation options.There are many texture formats to export too. Then bring your textures into Unity or a program of your choice.Please contact me if you require any additional help.Enjoy!