Works with Unity Editor 2019.2 and googleVR SDK 1.2
By downloading this asset, you will have a complete tool in which the player will be able reproduce videos in two different configurations: mono video (standard 360 video panorama) and stereo video (an advanced video which has a stereo Top-Down pair of video). The main scene is designed for google cardboard/ google VR, but the scripts are compatible with gearVR, fibrum and others.
The stereo effect is obtained by scripting, in which objects are placed in different layers in other to render them into the Left or Right eyes. We have developed this unique tool for people that are passionate by VR and want to create the future of VR aps. Thanks for supporting our work, give it a try!
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download testAPK
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This package CONTAINS the following: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-Included Curved menu asset
-The necessary FBX, and scripts to set the prefabs for 360 immersive video and 360 stereo videos.
-One demo scene in which the player can chose from a menu to play a 360 video or 360 stereo video (as the one that you can test in the previous link).
-Complete documentation to understand the principles of each package and full email support at: michael.soler.beatty@gmail.com.
This package works with the native videoPlayer of unity - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- SDK 1.2 googleVR
-Sample videos should be added to “streaming assets folder” and are NOT included in this package:
Contact us at:
This package works with the “google cardboard SDK=1.2” for UNITY Please folow the video tutorial:
video link
This package is Android Ready as you can see in the REAL-TIME capture from Android video .