AI Kit: Chat, Specific Role, Create Image, Audio Transcribe and Translate
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This package uses Open AI to generate chat, specific role AI, images, audio translate and transcribeThis package uses OpenAI’s generative AI to generate chat, specific role AI, images, audio translate and transcribe. You can also use the addon for freeform chat similar to ChatGPT -- ask for quest ideas, get help writing code, and more. It uses your own OpenAI API key to use these services.Note: This addon uses the OpenAI API, so you must be able to access api.openai.com from your geographic region.Asset uses AI Unity plugin under MIT license; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.OpenAI License Link:https://openai.comIf you have any ideas, specific requirements or need help, feel free to contact me via:uegeneralist@gmail.comChatYou can set specific role to your AIGenerate ImagesAudio TranslationAudio Transcribe
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