First-Person Bow and Arrow Controller with Scriptable Objects & IK animation for smooth aiming, drawing, and shooting! Easy to customize & integrate!Bow and Arrow Controller – First-Person Archery SystemEnhance your first-person games with a fully functional Bow and Arrow Controller, designed for smooth and immersive archery mechanics. Built with Scriptable Objects, this system allows for easy customization of bow attributes, arrow physics, and shooting behavior. The IK animation setup dynamically adjusts hand positions for natural aiming, drawing, and releasing actions.Key Features:Scriptable Objects for modular and scalable configurationIK-based Hand Animation for fluid movementsCustomizable Bow & Arrow Stats (speed, gravity, Number of arrows etc)Smooth Aiming & Shooting MechanicsComes with Multiple Bow Types & Arrow VariationsSimple FPS Controller with weapon sway and bobbingReady to integrate into any First-Person Project!-----------------------------Subscribe: YoutubeContact: ragerungames@gmail.comJoin the Community: DiscordExplore More Assets: RageRun Assets-----------------------------There's also a third-person version that I modified to work with animations, events, and a combination of the Animation Rigging system (IK) for animation adjustments and corrections, along with the Animator Controller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhtO-0muMuE.For those interested in the third-person version, feel free to reach out via email or DM on Discord with one of the following: invoice number, order ID, or product code for the Bow & Arrow Controller. If you already own this asset, you'll get the third-person add-on for free!-----------------------------Note: Please install the package in a new empty Unity project, as some objects are assigned to different layers to disable collisions in physics settings, and a separate layer is used for ground detection. Additionally, an object tag is required.The package is still in development and will be improved further in upcoming updates.To enable glow on the bow and arrows, add or enable Bloom in the Post Processing settings of the scene.5 Bow & Arrow Models Atlas Textures (128x128)Demo Environment Models (Box, Container, 2 Targets and room)