With the Low Poly Kitchen Pack, you can customize and arrange objects as you like with adjustable assets.The project consists of 5 groups:Kitchen Cabinets:CabinetCabinet with OvenCabinet with SinkCabinet Two SidesCabinet with DrawerWall CabinetRange HoodFruits:Apple (Red & Green)ApricotBananaBlueberryCherryDragon FruitGrapeKiwiLemonLimeMangoOrangePeachPearWatermelonPlates & Bowls:Bowl4 Different Plates6 Side PlatesVegetables:CarrotCauliflowerCucumberEggplantGreen BeanIceberg LettuceLeekMushroomOnionPepperPotatoPumpkinPurple OnionRadishRed PepperSweet Pepper (Red & Yellow)TomatoDishes & Food Items:Chicken LegBaked Chicken LegWhole ChickenButterCookieCroissantDonutHamburgerHotdogKetchupMayonnaiseMustardOlive OilPizzaFrench FriesSoupAll models are optimized with a single material for better performance, except for walls, floor, and glass.The pack includes 112 models, with an average of 320 vertices per model, ensuring optimized performance for your projects.Number of Textures: 3 textures: Ground, Wall And Color Pallette.All models use a single material and are presented with a color palette.All models have been converted into prefabs and colliders have been added.