Select a game object or prefab and save the enable value of all the children's and restore it with just 1 click.Works on Unity 2019.x, 2020.x, 2021.x, 2022.x, 2023.x and Unity 6.0.x.This plugin helps when you have complex objects in a scene or in a prefab where it is important that certain objects start enable or disable, whereas projects grow and time goes by memorizing all the elements is a difficult task, the best case is when an object we need to turn on to make adjustments and when we finish, we need to return all the elements as they were in the beginning in just 1 click.Works on Unity 2019.x, 2020.x, 2021.x, 2022.x, 2023.x and Unity 6.0.x.Only works in Editor for the moment.Include source code.