PIRATE UNDEAD 11 A pose Low_poly HIGH QUALITY character redy for gameA pose Low_poly HIGH QUALITY character redy for gameEpic RIGG 5 + Humanoid riggadditional_Riggjaw_01-02tong_01-02weapon_l/rgun_01trigger_01-03PBR textures TARGA 4kBase colorRougnessNormalMetalicAOAlbedo + Alphacharacter polygon - 14817 Verts - 15347 tris - 29412 saber polygon - 717 verts - 723 tris - 1412gun polygon - 1921 verts - 2077 tris - 3763hat polygon - 397 verts - 407 tris - 787Number of textures 20Texture dimensions 4kPolygon count of PIRATE_U11 14817Number of meshes/prefabs 7Rigging: YesAnimation count 15Animation type list:attack_1attack_2attack_3battle_yellkickrunwalkidleatack_idledeathdamagejumpsign_of_winsign_of_battleshotUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps ( PBR)