Adds an energy bar component with cells similar to many MOBA style games. These cells give a clear visual indication for the amount of points the energy bar contains. The energy bars have a variety of configuration options, they can be attached to objects to follow them and may be displayed in world space or screen space. This package will work in 2D and 3D.
The package includes several pre-made health bar panels you can drop onto your game objects and get started in minutes. Alternatively you can add MOBA style energy bars to your own UI panels. Design the bars colours, textures, gap styles etc interactively in the editor.
• Many configurable options like cell texture, gap size, gap frequency, gap colour...
• Implemented as a shader on a single ui element.
• Burn animation.
• Built in anti-aliasing so the energy bars look good at any scale or orientation.
• Easily attach them to your game objects to follow them.
• Can be displayed in screen space or world space modes.