UNDEAD PUNK 1 PACKPU1_1PU1_2PU1_3PU1_1Low_poly HIGH QUALITY character redy for gameadditional_Riggjaw1tong_01-02eye_r1/lweapon_l/rskatewheele_01-02PBR textures TARGA 4kBase colorRougnessNormalAlphaMetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alphalow_poly character polygon - 22234 Verts - 25030 tris - 43899skate polygon - 2559 verts - 2533 tris - 4715PU1_2Low_poly HIGH QUALITY character redy for gameadditional_Riggjaw1tong_01-02eye_r1/lweapon_l/rskatewheele_01-02PBR textures TARGA 4kBase colorRougnessNormalAlphaMetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alphalow_poly character polygon - 16589 Verts - 19248 tris - 32827skate polygon - 2687 verts - 2693 tris - 4843PU1_3Low_poly HIGH QUALITY character redy for gameadditional_Riggjaw1tong_01-02eye_r1/lweapon_l/rskatewheele_01-02PBR textures TARGA 4kBase colorRougnessNormalAlphaMetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alphalow_poly character polygon - 16589 Verts - 19248 tris - 32827skate polygon - 2559 verts - 2533 tris - 4715Number of textures 57Texture dimensions 4kPolygon count of PU1_1 22234 PU1_2 16589 PU1_3 16589Number of meshes/prefabs 12Rigging: YesAnimation count 48Animation type list:attackdamagedeathfuck_gestureidle_attackidle1idle2jumpjump_on_skatekickrunskateskate_jumpskate_pushskate_stopwalkUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps (PBR)