Hand-Painted Watercolor Breads & Pastries Pack fitting for stylized themesDemo scene is built using URP and my Neko Legends Cel Shader. 3D models and textures can be used in any rendering pipeline and changed to whatever material you prefer.🎮Check out the live web demo here.🎁 This package is currently included in the Neko Legends - All 3D & VFX📦 The demo scenes will not work unless the free Shared Assets Demo dependency is installed.✨The materials in the demo will be pink unless Neko Legends - Cel Shader is installed.Hand-Painted Watercolor Pack:10+ Breads and Pastries (in the order presented on the live demo): ButteryPastrySwirl, CatMuffin, ChocolateCoveredPastry, Croissant, CroissantDog, CustardDanish, EggTart, FruitPastry, SourdoughLoaf, SourdoughLoafRound, StrawberryCroissant.More will be added upon request or when I need to use them in my game. See technical details for texture and triangle count.Textures are all in 2048x2048 resolutionModel Name, Triangle Count:ButteryPastrySwirl, 4472CatMuffin, 4276ChocolateCoveredPastry, 5192Croissant, 5226CroissantDog, 5202CustardDanish, 5998EggTart, 3704FruitPastry, 6581SourdoughLoaf, 4860SourdoughLoafRound, 3884StrawberryCroissant, 5726