Explode meshes using one component, very easy to useIf you want demo models in different render pipelines than Built-in just convert materials using standart Unity convertion method.Explode meshes using one component.Just add MeshExploder component to your object.TutorialDocumentationYou can change multiple parameters to achieve different results. The script is compatible with all render pipelines. It doesn't use shaders or external libraries, so it should be safe to use on all platforms.4 free models from the screenshots are included (suitcase, pillow, rugby ball, bottle).They are from this pack: Casual Game Objects 1Other assets you may like:Polygon Cutter - 2D Sprite Cutting and SlicingSlicing Game ToolkitBlend Mode Tester 2DCasual Low Poly Objects 1Casual Low Poly Objects 2Casual Low Poly Objects 3Features:No shaders, Burst compiler, or other specialized technology is used. It should be compatible with any device.Can explode a mesh into smaller triangles.Can make double sided meshes for particlesYou can create individual game objects from each triangle that makes up your mesh.You can control the origin of the explosion: center, pivot, or an offset position from the pivot.You can set the explosion speed, gravity, and friction.Triangles generated from the mesh can be double-sided, even without a shader.You can set the duration of the explosion.Sends UnityEvents on start and end, and with a list of GameObjects if this option is selected.FeaturesNo shaders, Burst compiler, or other specialized technology is used. It should be compatible with any hardware.Can explode a mesh into smaller triangles.Can make double sided meshes for particlesYou can create individual game objects from each triangle that makes up your mesh.You can control the origin of the explosion: center, pivot, or an offset position from the pivot.You can set the explosion speed, gravity, and friction.Triangles generated from the mesh can be double-sided, even without a shader.You can set the duration of the explosion.Sends UnityEvents on start and end, and with a list of GameObjects if this option is selected.Supported OSShould be any OS that suports meshes :)Link to documentation