AnankeCsvMaster is a management and auto-generation tool for master data (DB) used in game development based on CSV format data.How to Use :Please refer to Assets\CatHut\_Sample\Document\HowToUse.pdf.Or visit the following website: data has been pre-configured in the Package.If not needed, please either delete the _Sample and Resources folders or uncheck them during import.AnankeCsvMaster is a management and auto-generation tool for master data (DB) used in game development based on CSV format data.It solves the pain point in game development when you know what parameters to define (like enemy stats) but don't want to deal with the hassle of converting them to ScriptableObjects.The following tasks become incredibly easier:- Defining ScriptableObject classes- Generating data importers- Auto Loading data when changes occur- Data synchronization with ExcelThe tool supports the following data types:Custom User-defined EnumsuintintshortushortlongulongfloatdoublecharstringboolbytesbyteVector2Vector2IntVector3Vector3IntVector4ColorColor32GameObjectAudioClipSpriteTexture2DMaterialShaderMeshAnimationClip