Does your city need cleaning and no garbage truck can enter your small streets? This package came to your rescue!If you need a well-optimised, small, yet functional and eye-catching garbage cart in your city, the garbage to fill this cart and the tools to be used to collect the garbage, you are in the right place.This unique package includes everything related to simple city cleaning; garbage cart, broom, shovel, scraper, different types of garbage (metal beverage cans, chewed gums, eaten apples, water bottles...), 4 planes containing visual paper and newspaper residue, recycling bins, metal garbage bin.If you are developing a mini game or a hyper casual business and need simple cleaning objects, you can check out this package and the crazy extra object packages I will publish later on my page.Total Prefab Count: 31Total Tris Count: 5,735Avarage Tris Count: 100-800Total Polygon Count: 3,449Number Of Main Material: 3 (One for Image), (One for Color Gradient), (One for Dust)Number Of Prototype Grid Material: 7UV Mapping: All models are UV unwraped and texturedTextures: Separate textures for Color Gradient, Dust, ImagesOptimization: Each models are optimized for mobile platforms and hiper-casual gamesTexture Details (Albedo Map):One Color Gradient Texture size 1024x1024 (png)One Image Texture for recaycle boxes, cake bottles etc. size 1024x1024 (png)One Dust Texture for dust planes size 1024x1024 (png)Seven Grid Texture size 1024x1024 (png)