zSystemMetrics - FPS counter and more!
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zSystemMetrics measures FPS, RAM, CPU, GPU, OS, battery status, internet connection, screen resolution, graphics API, device Information, and much more to come!!🍊Real-time monitoring: FPS, RAM, CPU, GPU, OS, battery status, internet connection, screen resolution, graphics API, device information, and much more to come!!🔥Supports legacy Text and TextMeshPro!💖Default Input System and the New Input System are supported!🙌Easily toggle the system metrics canvas on/off with the press of one key!👌Reset system metrics using a key (very useful for FPS min/max/average). Default resets FPS metrics between scenes, but this is highly customizable.😊Put system metrics anywhere on the screen with customizable colors and texts. Hide parts of any metric, for example, show FPS min and max but not average.⭐zSystemMetrics is an integrated tool intended to monitor, in real-time, system metrics during gameplay.⭐The following will be monitored: FPS, RAM, CPU, GPU, OS, battery status, internet connection, screen resolution, graphics API, device information.⭐The package is compatible with Unity's Built-in, URP, and HDRP render pipelines.⭐It supports modern C#, .NET and is IL2CPP friendly,⭐Easy to integrate, with highly detailed documentation, API references, and full C# source code.