A collection of natural sounds with which you can create all kinds of atmospheres.From a sunset in the forest to an afternoon in the city or a boat ride, in this pack you have enough tracks to create the soundstage you are looking for. A tool that will be useful for any kind of project.53 tracks that you can use as best suits each type of project to give life to any type of natural soundstage.All tracks are looped and you can mix them as your scene needs. You can use them as ambient background tracks or as a sound effect in a fixed location, such as a river, a waterfall or birds in a tree.In this pack come several bonus tracks as examples of generic ambient sounds.53 tracks that you can use as best suits each type of project to give life to any type of natural soundstage. All tracks are in 48.000 Hz, 3072 Kbps and .wav.The bonus tracks are simply examples of mixes that can be achieved with the tracks in the pack. You can either use them directly or make your own mix in your project.Beach & Docks- Beach_Sea_Seagulls- Beach_Waves- Docks_People- Docks_Sea- Docks_Seagulls- Docks_Ships- Docks_Wood_ShipsCave- Cave_Bats- Cave_Drops_01- Cave_Drops_02- Cave_Fire_01- Cave_Fire_02- Cave_Insects_01- Cave_Insects_02- Cave_Rocks- Cave_Water_Movement- Cave_Water_Streaming_01- Cave_Water_Streaming_02- Cave_WindCity & Village- City_01- City_02- Street_01- Street_02- Village_Dogs- Village_Horses- Village_PeopleFire & Water- Fire_Large- Fire_Small- River_Large- River_Medium- River_Small- Waterfall_Large- Waterfall_Medium- Waterfall_SmallForest- Forest_Birds_01- Forest_Brids_02- Forest_Birds_03- Forest_Birds_Intense- Forest_Birds_Light- Forest_Birds_Medium- Forest_Cicada_01- Forest_Cicada_02- Forest_Insects_01- Forest_Insects_02- Forest_TreesStorm- Rain_Light- Rain_OnSurface- Rain_Strong- Thunder_Close- Thunder_FarWind- Wind_Heavy- Wind_Light- Wind_MediumBonus tracks- Natural_Ambience_Pack_BT_Cave_Example- Natural_Ambience_Pack_BT_City_Street_Example- Natural_Ambience_Pack_BT_Docks_Example- Natural_Ambience_Pack_BT_Forest_Example- Natural_Ambience_Pack_BT_Storm_Example