A set of Acessibility Tools for Blind UsersThese tools were created in the context of my Master's Thesis. The package consists in a set of tools that can be implemented in order to increase accessibility for blind users.The documentation is available in GitHub at https://github.com/afchmbll/VRBalls.Thank you!Available features:Create sound landmarksCreate VRBalls which can provide sound on impact, for better orientation and exploration of spaces by blind peopleDifferent sound types on both landmark and thrown VRBallsTha ability to turn landmark VRBalls on and off depending on the distance to themThe ability to delete the most recent landmark VRBall createdThe ability to control the impact sounds of VRBalls (pitchm reverb and volume)Developed with Unity 2022.3.Full documentation in Github at https://github.com/afchmbll/VRBalls.