Lightweight, low-poly 3D male models. Mix and match a vast array of faces, hairstyles, eyes, clothing, and colors to create unique characters that perfectly fit your vision.Versatile, lightweight, low-poly 3D male models. Easy-to-use and perfect for creating custom humanoid characters with various faces, hairstyles, eyes, wears, and colors, ideal for games, animations, and VR/AR applications.CustomizableHair styles: 11 typesEyes: 3 typesEyebrows: 2 typesSkin: 3 colorsTops: 10 color options for 2 mesh typesBottoms: 10 color optionsShoes: 10 color optionsGlasses: 6 typesHumanoid Avatar SystemCompatible with Unity's Humanoid Avatar system and includes full body, head (with neck), and hand articulation down to the individual fingers.Face CustomizationBlend Shapes - Edit the values within the range of -100 to 100 - NoseHeight - NoseSize - EyeAreaDepth - JawWidth - ChinLength - EarShape - EarSizeEyes and Mouth - Modify their Position and Scale values in the Transform component.Number of textures: 70Polygon count of Male A1 model: Hair/Body=874 Wears=450Number of meshes/prefabs: 6Rigging: YesAnimation count: 2Animation type list: Stand, WalkUV mapping: YesLOD information (count, number of levels): NoTypes of materials and texture maps: No