GeometryUtilities is a Unity toolbox for advanced geometric operations, including intersection testing and 3D shape visualization.GeometryUtilities is a powerful and flexible toolbox for Unity, designed to simplify advanced geometric operations. It supports intersection testing, and automated testing for various shapes, including points, segments, rays, lines, planes, quads, boxes, spheres, cylinders, and capsules. The package is fully customizable and suitable for any Unity project requiring precise geometric computations, from physics simulations to level design tools.Supported Shapes: Point, Segment, Ray, Line, Plane, Quad, Box, Sphere, Infinite Cylinder, Cylinder, Capsule.Key Features:Intersection testing between all supported shapes.Shape visualization with MonoBehaviour scripts (e.g., BoxVisualizer, SphereVisualizer).Automated testing with GeometryTester. Static functions available for direct intersection calculations (GeometryUtilities.cs) and parametric intersection testing (ParametricCollisionUtility.cs).Customizable: Fully configurable parameters for shapes and tests.Documentation: Includes detailed guides with examples for setup and usage.This package was created with the assistance of AI tools, specifically ChatGPT. AI was used to streamline the creation of technical documentation, improve its clarity and structure, and address some technical questions regarding certain functions to ensure the package's quality and usability.