This is an asset for building cars with arcade-like behavior. It also comes with various effects and AI.The demo scene uses the built-in rendering pipeline, but since the script is the main asset, it does not depend on any specific rendering pipeline.This asset is for building cars with arcade-like behavior.It comes with a convenient setup wizard with auto-detection, allowing you to set up a controllable car in just a few seconds.All source code is accessible and can be freely extended.LinksWebGL DemoEmailNoteThe sound effects used in the demo are not included. This is because Creative Commons licensed files cannot be included in the assets. These are free materials, so you can download and use them yourself. For more information, please see the documentation.Features ListCar ControllerEngine car style car controllerElectric car style car controllerCameraChase cameraFixed cameraTop-down cameraOrbit cameraEffectsSkidmarksTire smokeAfter fireSoundSqueal soundEngine soundLightsHeadlightsBrake lightsBlinkersBacklightsUIAnalog speedometer/tachometerDigital speedometerGear indicatorButtons to turn on various lightsAIAI to drive along a pathAI to chase a target carOthersFunction to switch friction and effects for each road surfaceCar setup wizardIntuitive and easy-to-use path editor extensionOthersIf you want to build a car with realistic behavior, please consider purchasing my Semi-Realistic Car Physics.For input I use the old Input Manager.