3d model of Monster character
The character is well suited for fantasy games as a antagonist, enemy, or NPCFor sale only the characterRigget to human skeleton6 animations - idle - walk - run - attack - bite - deathReady for retarget animationsActual size of the low poly 3d model animated rigged ready for games and other applications in real-time.Sculpting models zbrushAnimation and rigging in maya.Textures - Adobe Substance 3D PainterIf you have any questions you can ask them here. If you write me directly to the mail "greendiplodok@gmail.com" then i will be able to answer you much fasterPolycount of CharacterVert 18865Faces 19413Tris 37562Number of Textures: 9Texture Resolutions -4096The model of Monster consists of one partExtra bones - Deadman_head, Deadman_Tongue, Alien_spine, Alien_spine1, Alien_spine2, Alien_spine3, Alien_upperarm_l, Alien_upperarm_2_l_1, Alien_upperarm_3_l_1, Alien_upperarm_r, Alien_upperarm2_r1, Alien_neck, Alien_head, Alien_eye_r, Alien_eye_l, Alien_Jaw_r, Alien_tooth_r, Alien_tooth_2_r, Alien_tooth_3_r, Alien_tooth_4_r, Alien_tooth_5_r, Alien_tooth_6_r, Alien_tooth_7_r, Alien_Jaw_l, Alien_tooth_l, Alien_tooth_2_l, Alien_tooth_3_l, Alien_tooth_4_l, Alien_tooth_5_l, Alien_tooth_6_l, Alien_tooth_7_l