The Enhanced Timeline plugin allows you to leverage the Unity Timeline for designing complex animation sequences and seamlessly integrating them into gameplay.Skip the hassle of programming delays with code, and configuring start/stop times, hitbox activations, and so on in the inspector. With the Enhanced Timeline, you can use and extend Unity's Timeline to set these up as custom Markers or Clips with minimal code. The Enhanced Timeline also supports networking out of the box.🎞️ Design gameplay sequences🔗 Easy Track Bindings🎬 Control Animator Parameters🌐 Networking-Ready💻 Extensible by Design⚡ Reactive API🖥️All Platforms Supported📄Fully Documented Guides and Videos🎧Join us on DiscordFeatures🎞️ Design gameplay sequencesCreate gameplay sequences using Unity's Timeline, unlocking its full potential.🔗 Easy Track BindingsUtilize the EnhancedTimelinePlayer to simplify track binding, avoiding the need for individual bindings on each Timeline asset.🎬 Control Animator ParametersManage Animator parameters directly on the Timeline using an Animator Track.🌐 Networking-ReadySynchronize timelines across clients with the NetworkTimelinePlayer.💻 Extensible by DesignExtend the Timeline easily with custom Clips and Markers for tailored control.⚡ Reactive APIListen to Clip and Marker events for executing code at precise moments during playback.🖥️Supported PlatformsEnhanced Timeline supports all Unity platforms.📄DocumentationGuides and API ReferenceVideosThird-PartiesEnhanced Timeline uses Cysharp's R3 under the MIT license; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.