The Raycast Controller system is designed to detect and handle collider interactions using Unity's raycasting capabilities.- Flexible raycasting configuration for distance, layers, and runtime control.- Event-based callbacks (`OnEnter`, `OnStay`, `OnExit`) for interaction logic.- Debugging tools to visualize raycasts and hit points in the Scene view.- **Customizable Raycasting:**- Configurable `distance` and `layerMask` for fine-tuned detection.- Option to enable or disable raycasting dynamically with `castOnUpdate`.- **Event Handling:**- `OnEnter`: Triggered when a new collider is detected.- `OnStay`: Triggered when the ray continues to hit the same collider.- `OnExit`: Triggered when the ray stops hitting a collider.- **Debugging Tools:**- Visualize the raycast path, hit points, and hit sphere in the Scene view.- Customizable debug colors for the ray, hit, and sphere.**Inspector Configuration:**- **Configuration:** Set the raycast `distance`, `layerMask`, and whether to cast on every `Update`.- **Debug Options:** Adjust the ray and sphere colors or enable hit sphere visualization.- **Events:** Hook up UnityEvents to trigger custom behavior during interactions.asked it to generate all of the documentation