A large pack of over 35 animated, top down 2D Zombies! Each character is fully animated in 8 directions with 15 unique animations for each zombie.A massive Zombie pack for your next top down 2D game.With over 35 different zombies, the pack is created to fit as many different project as possible. With a mix of modern era zombies all the way to WW2 and fantasy style zombies.The animations are spritesheet based, and all characters have a sprite sheet for each unique animation. the sprites range from 128x128 for smaller characters, and 192x192 for larger characters.The die animation includes one with gore and one without, so you can chose whichever fits your game. Each character have variations of the following animations in 8 directions:Basics:Die (With gore/blood)Die2 (Without gore/blood)IdleIdle2Take damageMovement:CrawlWalkRunWakeUpCombat:Attack1 (Punch)Attack2 (Standing bite)Attack3 (Throw/Smash)Attack4 (Punch 2)Attack5 (Crouch biting)The Characters include:Cop1Cop2Cop3Cop4Male1Male2Male3Male4Male5Male6Male7Male8Male9Female1Female2Female3Female4Female5Female6Female7Monster1Monster2Monster3Hulk1Hulk2Radiated1Radiated2Radiated3Soldier1Soldier2Soldier3Soldier4Soldier5Soldier6General1General2The Asset also includes the following blood effects which can be used as abilities or when taking damage:5 different sprite based blood effect5 different sprite based Acid effectThe asset also includes a Example scene with a map, an example animator controller for each character, 36 character portraits and some ui Elements.The example scene in the video is included, but is mainly meant for demonstration purposes and is not completly game ready.Animated: YesSprite sheets: YesSprite dimensions: 128 x128nr of sprites per animations: 15Additional: pixel basedThe small portraits in the example scene are AI generated.