It is the most advanced and beautiful inspector button asset. Create an inspector button with just an attribute [Button], and customize it with 100+ optional arguments to make it your ownAdd [Button()] above any method in your script, and a button with the method's name will automatically appear in the Unity Inspector. Clicking the button executes the method instantly, whether in Editor mode or during runtime. No need to write custom editor code for simple button functionality—save time and boost productivity!The [Button()] attribute supports customization with parameters like:> text (custom button label)> width & height (button dimensions)> bgColor & textColor (button and text colors)> margin (spacing around the button).> hover effect> 100+ more arguments availableIt also supports methods with parameters, allowing you to input values directly in the Inspector before execution. This tool is perfect for debugging, triggering events, testing features, or streamlining workflows.Ease of Use: Add [Button()] to any method to generate an Inspector button with minimal effort.Return Value Logging: Functions returning non-void values will have their outputs logged to the Unity console, aiding debuggingButton Grouping: Organize buttons into groups on the same row using the optional "groupTag" propertyExtensive Customization: Customize button appearance through properties like dimensions, colors, padding, borders, text styles, and animations—both in normal and hover statesParameter Support: Automatically creates input fields for methods with parameters, handling common data types such as Integers, Floats, Strings, Booleans, Vector2, Vector3, Object, Colors, Enum , Double , Quaternion , GameObjectUnity Inspector Button uses custom attributes and reflection. Use [Button()] before a method to create a button that will execute that method when clicking.Available arguments > text (custom button label)> width & height (button dimensions)> bgColor & textColor (button and text colors)> margin (spacing around the button).> 100+ more attributes available