A collection of tools made for TCG Engine productivity, like Card Editor, Duplicator Finder, SO Finder, Game State Visualizer, Preview Card, Card Finder and SO Creator.| Documentation | Discord |Card Editor:- Search for Cards, Abilities, Effects, Conditions, Filters and Status;- Preview Cards with variants and different CardUIs;- Clone Scriptable Objects with 2-clicks;- Rename files with 2-clicks;- Delete files with 2-clicks;- Duplicate nested Scriptable Objects and add to Array instantly;Card Finder- A lot of custom filters to make quick the process of cards with specific features;Duplicate Finder- Find Scriptable Objects with same ID to fix them quick;Game State Visualizer- Look at important data from Game in a simple UI without need to use debugger;- Warning when server and client data don't match to find bugs easily;SO Creator- Create tons of variations for SOs in seconds;- Allow custom options for each value type;- Pre-creation report to see the result even before create all assets;- Create all blocks to allow your design flow shine;SO Finder- Find all Scriptable Objects that are compatible to a specific type.Tools built to make the design flow the best possible: effecient, smooth and fun.