Versatile First-Person Character Controller
A Trillion Games Ltd
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This versatile first-person controller is designed for any terrain, environment, and gravity condition. From a sci-fi game with gravity-bending mechanics to procedural open world exploration.Try the webGL DemoOur other workKey Features:Game Ready: This asset has been tested and refined to work out of the box in almost all situations. Simply drag and drop it into your game.Advanced Movement System: Crouch, slide, sprint, wall-run, and wall-climb, giving your player a wide range of ways to navigate the environment.Flexible Gravity System: Alter gravity dynamically for unique movement styles, whether it’s walking on a spherical planet, riding on a moving ship in rough seas, or a platformer with gravity alteration mechanics.Adaptive Terrain Handling: Seamlessly move across complex terrains, including steep slopes, uneven ground, and shifting platforms.Moving Platform Support: Effortlessly follow moving platforms or ride on moving objects like ships, vehicles, or other dynamic entities in the game world.Customizable and Easy to Integrate and Modular: Fully customizable to match your project’s needs, whether you're building an open-world game or need advanced interactions with custom environmental features.Easily upgradable: All code was written and structured for clarity and modularity allowing anyone to easily identify, study, and modify the inner workings of the controller.Clean, Readable, Optimized Code: Designed with performance in mind to provide smooth gameplay experiences on a variety of hardware setups.Use Cases:Dynamic Environment Simulations: Create immersive experiences in ships, vehicles, or roller coasters with smooth, physically correct character interactions.Zero Gravity or Alternative Physics: Perfect for low gravity, space-themed, or other physics-based scenarios where traditional movement would be insufficient.Fast Paced Platforming: From climbing walls to sliding under obstacles, this controller handles complex, fast-paced movement out of the box.Perfect for:Sci-Fi Games, Platformers, FPS, Adventure Games, or any game that requires advanced player movement mechanics and flexible gravity handling.Includes:Player PrefabPlayer Controller ScriptDemo SceneGravity trigger field Script & PrefabGravity Alteration Zone Script & PrefabCentral Gravity Alteration Zone Script & PrefabMoving Platform ScriptContact us at: atrilliongames@gmail.comThe Character Controller uses the new input system which needs to be installed from the package manager before importing this asset. It also works with the old input system but it needs to be enabled in the code to workThe tool will automatically add the missing components if the player isn't set up correctly. This means that some components might apear only at runtime. This is an intended feature to help keep the editor view clean and organised.The character controller runs in both the fixed update loop as well as the updade loop. Using the fixed update loop for physics calculations and the regular update loop for camera based movements and smoothing. If you modify the code try to stick to this separation to ensure optimal performanceThe character controller has no mesh as it is first person but adding a body if needed is simple. The "Camera Holder" empty game object is the head while the "Player" Empty is the body. Simply add the meshes as children